Friday, October 14, 2011

It's A Boy!

So we found out that we were having a BOY! I wanted to share the video of Allie opening her gift and the rest of the family finding out that the baby is a boy. So let me preface this video by 1) appologizing for the watermark (I'm too cheap to pay for the real video editor) and 2) the casualties filmed in the video (Mom, Rachel and Aunna) I know I should have asked permission to post this for the world to see but I'll ask for forgiveness instead.

We wanted to have a big reveal party, but it kind of felt silly since we didn't do anything of the sort when Allie was born. So we decided to do what is normal for us, which is make it all about Allie. So Allie knew that her baby brother or baby sister were sending her a teddy bear either dressed in pink (to tell her she was having a baby sister) or dressed in blue (to say she was having a baby brother). So everyone gathered around Allie as she opened her gift. Here are some pictures of the big reveal as well.

 I swear she smiled and acted excited..... I guess in true Allie-fashion it was not captured on camera!
                                                      Mimi was surprised and excited!

                                                                   The Davis Trio....

So most of you know how long we have prayed for another baby and the journey that God has taken us down to get to this blessing. I have read the story of Samuel in the Bible at least 100 times and have clung to the promise that God would give us another baby, just as He did for Hannah. So when John and I began discussing names, we felt led to the name Samuel. So I would like for you to meet Samuel Robert Davis.

"I prayed for this child, and the Lord gave me what I asked Him for, I now give this child to the Lord. For as long as he lives, he is given to the Lord" 1 Samuel 1: 27-28
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Allie Starts Pre-School

Allie started Pre-School this Fall, or as we call it at our house "Big-Girl School." She absolutely loves it! She tells us that she is going to be a teacher when she grows up. She started during the Summer going to the extended care program at her "Big-Girl School" so we really never had any issues with her not wanting to go or stay once we get there. I joke about her preferring that I drop her off at the curb and not walk her in, but really, some days I think she would rather be there with her friends and her teachers than with her mommy. I will say that I feel totally blessed that she enjoys it so much and that I don't have any tears (from her or myself) when I leave her in the morning. She is in class with her buddy Bella who she has been with since she was 10 weeks-old. Those 2 are thick-as-thieves! Allie and Bella will always be Miss Bridget's girls, but it sure is fun to watch them grow up into such big girls!

Allie and Bella (and Yes, Bella is the oldest!)

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Baby Shaw

Back in August, my family was blessed with the early arrival of my nephew. He was early and was little, but God blessed him with a fighter's spirit and he is doing wonderful. My sister-in-law started a blog and has several posts about his stay in the NICU and how well he is doing.

I have several pictures to share, but I wanted to tell you how God is continuing to bring us healing after losing my dad, through this precious little boy. My brother looks a lot like my dad and boy, did they act a whole-lot alike. When Shaw was born, my mom and I immediately noticed the resemblance between my brother and his son. However, it wasn't until recently that we realized where that resemblance was coming from. Shaw looks just like my dad did as a baby. I know that you always seem to find/focus on the qualities that a new baby has that is most like you/your family. And maybe that is all that this apparent resemblance is, but the healing that has come from looking in this precious baby's eyes and seeing my dad is something that I struggle to find words for. It's as if my dad is waving to me from Heaven saying, "See, I am still right there with you guys!" Baby's are such blessings. I don't know how you could ever deny or doubt the existence of God when you look into the face of these tiny little miracles. Thank you God for Shaw Michael Hendricks. Thank you for Josh and Avery and their commitment to raise Shaw so that he would know and love you. And thank you for still providing comfort and blessings beyond my Dad's time here on Earth!

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Playing Catch Up

So I realize that I kinda left you hanging a little after my last post. I have 2 words for ya.....Hyperemesis Gravidum. Yes, I studied about it in school and gave it about a 3-second thought which involved the phrase "Bless THEIR Hearts!" Well, "Their" became "MY" around week 10 of this pregnancy and I am just now returning to the land of the living at 18 weeks. My Sweet Lord that was a rough 2 months! Good news is, I managed to stay hydrated, I lost 16 pounds, and the baby stayed healthy and happy despite my misery. God is good! So if you are wondering why I am posting 10,000 posts tonight.....there are 2 reasons.

1. I am not puking up my toenails...and
2. My mom has Allie so I am playing catch up (on laundry, cleaning, and of course...the Blog!)
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