Monday, September 2, 2013

Allie's Pre-School Graduation

 I cannot believe that my baby girl is old enough to graduate from Pre-School! It seems like yesterday that I was taking her to Miss Bridget's for the first time. I remember that day so clearly. I had been warned that I was going to cry like a baby when I left her. I did not shed a single tear! I don't know if that makes me a bad mom, but I had a peace in my heart that I cannot describe. I had only met Bridget a few times, but I trusted her and knew that Allie was going to be just fine. I remember setting up her pack-n-play next to another little girl who was smiling and playing, and I knew that Allie would have a good time as well. What I didn't know was that the sweet little baby girl in the pack-n-play next to Allie would become her best-est friend in the whole world! These girls have been inseparable. And here they are, graduating Pre-School, about to start their next adventure. The only difference, they must do it without each other. Now that brings the tears! I know that special friends like this will stay friends no matter what, but school....without Bella......what will we do?

 Allie said that she wants her 1st day of kindergarten shirt to say "I Miss Bella"

They had rehearsed this day for a while. It was so sweet and so special. We are going to miss Mrs. Susan sooooo much!

They sang songs and got their diplomas.

And of course, you gotta throw the caps!

We are so proud of our girl (s). On to the next adventure in life.

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