To check back in on my last post, I have purchased and fallen in love with Lysa Terkeurst's book "Made to Crave." God is speaking to me through Lysa's candidness on life and healthy eating in ways I never thought possible.
I feel that I need to give you a little background as to the things that God has been speaking to me about.
First: John and I have been trying to sell our house for over a year now. There is nothing wrong with our house. It is a very nice house, but we want to be in the neighborhood with my mom, or a neighborhood like my mom's. We also, in a very green-behind-the-ears kind of way, chose a financing option that would lower our monthly payments, but do us absolutely NO good in the future. And something that I have just recently been able to admit....I followed Ashley's plan to buy this house.... I cannot say that the Lord led us or that I followed His plan for us in buying our house.
Secondly: We want another baby. I have shared with you our struggles with infertility and then our recent miscarriage back in November. My heart, and John's, still long for more children.
These areas of desire, if I am not careful, can consume my day. We have had a lady who is interested in our house come and look at it several times in the last week or so. In my mind, she was going to call and make us an offer today. So I spent all day obsessed with checking my phone. All the while, praying and telling God that it was in His hands, but it wasn't HIS hands that kept checking the phone today. One of the things that "Made to Crave" is teaching me is that the same way that I crave chocolate, should be the same way I feel about God. That God did give me that ability to crave something, but He didn't intend on me feeling that way about a cupcake and not about Him. So today, as I stressed and worried about, was the lady going to call or not, would this be the month that we get pregnant or not, my aunt, who is a very wise Godly woman and mom, told me that I needed to just be quiet and listen to God. Wow! It hit me.... I have spent so much time and energy asking Him "Is this your will, God?" "Are we ever going to have another baby, God?" "Are you in this situation, God?" that I haven't just stopped and listened.
As a mom of a very active almost-3-year-old, I can totally relate to what God must be thinking and feeling about my obsessions right now. You know those days when your children seem to be bouncing off the walls and you think, if I hear "Mom....." one more time, I might cut my ears off. You know in those times how you just want to grab them by the hands and say "Just be still...Be still and sit at my feet and let me love on you and tell you all that you want to know" I think that is what God is trying to say to me. I need to crave those times, just sitting at His feet, in total silence and completely still, soaking up His glory and wisdom. I want to crave that precious time with my Heavenly Father. I know that if I had the chance to sit at my Daddy's feet just one more time, I would hang on to every second. It shouldn't be any different for Jesus. I need to Just Be Still...................
Can you find the crazy toddler? Love that girl!