Thursday, May 3, 2012

Daddy Date: "If You Take a Mouse to School"

Shortly after Sam and I got home from the hospital, Allie's Pre-School class went to see the play "If You Take a Mouse to School." John went with Allie's class because I couldn't go but I think he really enjoyed getting to spend time with Allie, just the two of them. So much of our daily routine has been altered to make sure that Sam is taken care of, that we worry that Allie feels left out some. After all, she has been the center of our universe for 4 years now.
Allie was super duper excited!
Here is a picture of John with his babies. By the way, it was pure coincidence that John wore a yellow shirt and Allie's school shirt is yellow.
It melts my heart when John and Allie spend precious time together. I firmly believe in the importance of her having a strong relationship with her daddy. I am so blessed to have a husband who takes time to build a relationship with his little girl.
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