Thursday, October 18, 2012


I know I have mentioned before how blessed we are to have our Sunday School Class (Little Church). It is a group of people from all different backgrounds walking through many different journeys who do so together, praying for each other, helping each other, and every now and then, we play and have fun together.
One of our characteristics is that we sometimes tend to be a bit competitive when it comes to....well... basically everything that we do. If it's giving out clothes with our clothing ministry, we want our table to give the most clothes. If it's cleaning up someones yard and building a trash pile to burn, we want to break records with our trash pile and we want our fire to be seen from space. So when another Sunday School class challenged our class to a Kickball game, we didn't just accept the challenge, we recruited a team and bought T-Shirts! Allie and her Daddy had a blast playing in what was eventually given the name "Kickball-O-Rama."

Team Davis taking the field!

It's hard to see them, but this is my favorite picture of the day!

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